Saturday, November 29, 2008

Steve Campbell appointed to Urban Forestry Commission

Steve Campbell, who lead the recent Fort Myer Heights Park improvement, has been appointed to the Arlington County Urban Forestry Commission. From 1973 to 1997, the Arlington County acreage with heavy tree cover has fallen 36% to 21%.[*] The Urban Forestry Commission works with residents to provide information about Arlington trees and the tree canopy, to maintain existing trees, and to encourage planting of new trees.

Arlington still has some spectacular trees. Among the Specimen Trees in Arlington are
  • the largest Post Oak in Virginia (this tree has been growing from the mid to late 1700s)
  • the largest and second largest Virginia Pines in Virginia
  • the second and fourth largest Scarlet Oaks in Virginia
  • the third largest Chestnut Oak in Virginia
Have a huge, beautiful tree in your yard? Then stop complaining about having to rake leaves and nominate your green wonder as an Arlington Notable Tree. Perhaps it might even triumph as a Champion Tree!

The trees pictured above are the Scarlet Oak in Chestnut Hills Park, the Post Oak in front of 5845 11th St. N, and the Scarlet Oak on the grounds of the Lee Community Center.

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[*] See Arlington County Urban Forest Master Plan, p. 26.

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